Past Pattern #117 Edwardian French Drawers Pantaloons Undergarments Underclothing Sewing Pattern

Price: $30.00
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Part Number:pastpattern117
Civil War Era Past Pattern
#117: French Drawers

French drawers fit smoothly over the hips with darts and flare below the knees. They can be fastened at the sides with buttons or a drawstring at the back waist. They can be made very simply or become an artistic display of insert and trim lace, ribbons and needle work.

This pattern is multi-sized 10 through 20. The fabric needed for the seated lady is 2-3/8 Yds. of 45" wide fabric for size 10 through 12. Sizes 14 through 20 requires 2-5/8 Yds. of 45" wide fabric. The fabric needed for the standing lady is 2-7/8 Yds. for all sizes.

Suggested fabrics are: cambric, nainsook, and lawn. The colors were white, flesh and tea.

Wear this with Past Patterns' #106 "Straight-Fronted" Edwardian Corset.

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