Folkwear Tibetan Panel Coat #118 Vest Sleeveless Coat Tibet Sewing Pattern (Pattern Only) folkwear118

Price: $21.95
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Part Number:folkwear118
Folkwear Patterns with Timeless Style
#118 Tibetan Panel Coat

Misses 6-18

A festive full-length vest or sleeveless coat still worn by Tibetans today on special occasions. Its simple rectangular components make it perfect for pieced or handwoven fabrics, or exciting combinations of color and texture. Pattern includes instructions for traditional stamped design and bound edge, as well as notes for handweavers. 

Suggested fabrics: Choose assorted combinations of prints and solids in similar weights. Light to medium-weight cotton, blends, corduroy, wool; decorative fabrics such as brocade, velvet, embroidered heirlooms; handwoven wool. 

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