Past Pattern Late Victorian Corset Sewing Pattern

Price: $16.92
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Part Number:pastpattern213
Civil War Era Past Pattern 
#213: Late Victorian Corset

The 'Hour Glass' silhouette of the 1880s and 1890s was achieved by wearing this corset or one similar to it. Today it is not necessary to draw the waist tight, only make the corset fit snugly to get the smooth Victorian look from shoulder to waist.  

The original fabric was a black satin weave cotton. It was trimmed with a rough cream lace into which narrow purple ribbon was drawn.  

This pattern is multi-sized 8 through 26 in B,C and D cups. Sizes 8-20 require 1-1/3 Yds. of 45 inch wide fabric; sizes 22-26 require 1-3/4 Yds. of 45 inch wide fabric.

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