This pattern is multi-sizes 8 through 26 in B, C and D cups.The seated lady wears full pagoda sleeves fashionable from the late 1850's to 1863. The standing lady wears a modified pagoda sleeve which were popular from the late 1850's though 1863. The colors are similar to the original. The under sleeve pattern is included.
The seated lady's gown is made of ribbon striped silk satin. Of 45" wide fabric the bodice: Sizes 8-14 requires 2-1/4 Yds., Sizes 16-20 requires 2-3/4 Yds., and Sizes 22-26
requires 3 Yds.
The standing lady's gown is made of plaid silk taffeta. Of 45" wide fabric the bodice:
Sizes 8-14 requires 1-5/8 Yds., Sizes 16-20 requires 2-1/8 Yds., and Sizes 22-26
requires 2-3/8 Yds.